الاثنين، 29 يونيو 2015

General Tips About the life:

General Tips About the life:

*live your day:
The anxiety in the life comes from the over remorse about things happened in the life and about things will happen in the future, and we do not have the control on them, so let's take the lessons from our past, and let's make plans about our future.
*accept the reality:
Your vision is your reality, know what you think, and study your ideas, also be careful before any sensitive decisions.
Know how to forget to live; do not accept to dive in the lake of your pat life. and make your sadness small a you can.
The smile is a title and a key of the happiness.
*be real.
* understand the real of love
* talk slowly but think slowly.
*the loose is a hard teacher.
*respect yourself, the others, your behaviors, and be responsible.

Contact us by this e-mail:  dreamandsmile7@gmail.com

Tips about your time

Tips to save your time:
*Try to enjoy in every work you do
*be positive and optimistic
*doesn't be remorse about everything in your past.
*look at your past's habits, and be far anything that effect on your time negatively
*write your ideas and notes
*stop any not useful activities
*ask yourself always" what can I do new in my time?"
*listen well, and do not let to any problem to effect on your time.
*read your goals lists and your notes everyday
*be strict with your time, and keep all the ideas clear in your mind.
Contact us by this e-mail:  dreamandsmile7@gmail.com

الأربعاء، 17 يونيو 2015

best performance of this month

vote for the best performance of this month by writing the number of the stars that you chose as a  comment under this post  and the result will be in 22-6-2015

number 1  One Direction 

number 2 Lady Gaga

number 3 justin bieber

number 4 taylor swift

الثلاثاء، 9 يونيو 2015

Health tips about the Osteoporosis

Health tips about the Osteoporosis

***An apple in a day can protect from the Osteoporosis; because of there is in the apple Flavonoid and Polyphenole that they are anti oxidants that keeps the strength of the bones, and also in it the boron that it is important to build the bones and the muscles in the human's body.
***The Sesame:
There a big amount of Calcium in the sesame seeds, and the calcuim is very important for the bones, and I it also magnesium, Zinc, and vitamins (K, D).

***Fish Oil:
In the fish oil there is the Omega 3 that it is prevents from the Collapse of the bones.

In the pineapple frits there is manganese that it is prevent from losing the bones.

***the sports:
Playing the sports is one of the most important things to fight the Osteoporosis.

*** do not drink Alcohol.