Health tips about the Osteoporosis
***An apple in a day can protect from the Osteoporosis; because of
there is in the apple Flavonoid and Polyphenole
that they are anti oxidants that keeps the strength of the bones, and also in
it the boron that it is important to build the bones and the muscles in the
human's body.
***The Sesame:
There a big amount of Calcium in the sesame seeds, and the calcuim
is very important for the bones, and I it also magnesium, Zinc, and vitamins (K,
***Fish Oil:
In the fish oil there is the Omega 3 that it is prevents from the Collapse
of the bones.
In the pineapple frits there is manganese that it is prevent from losing
the bones.
***the sports:
Playing the sports is one of the most important things to fight the
*** do not drink Alcohol.