الخميس، 27 أغسطس 2015

70th anniversary celebration of the tomato festival in Spain

Thousands of people took to the streets in the town,  BUNOL eastern Spain, for throwing tomatoes at each other as part of the annual festival for the exchange of tomatoes or so-it "Tomattina" festival, which is famous for Spain, according to a report in Time magazine.

But it seems that the Spanish town will not be the only place that will see the Tomatina, as the Google site to change its motto today drew expressive about this festival to celebrate the 70th anniversary of what is widely largest "food battle" in the world.

 The Tomato Festival or battle Tomatina is a Spanish tradition dates back to 1940, has not been formally recognized only in 1957.

And exceed the annual accounts of the beginning of this Altgayd, where some locals' beginnings attributed to young people who are fed up with the annual balloon festival and turned to throw tomatoes at the same balloon.

Other novels and remember that the festival back to the origins of the outbreak of a battle between two families with tomatoes, or tomatoes to one of the bands, or attack to a spontaneous protest against the hated officials by the people.

And became the festival is held on the last Wednesday of August every year, and where bickering with tons of red tomatoes ripe and that Spain is among the largest producers in the world, and enjoy this event demented admiration of thousands of tourists who come for Spain in the last week of August each year to participate in this celebration, which is running alongside the bulls in front of the most famous celebrations in Spain each year festival