الخميس، 27 أغسطس 2015

the Almond and the weight

German Magazine "Elle" reported that  the almonds help to lose weight thanks to its positive effect on waist circumference, according to a  recent study scientific periodical issued by the American Heart Association.
In the study, which focused on cholesterol values, participants underwent a diet over 12 weeks, and were divided into two groups: the first dealt with almond snack, while the second group dealt with Muffin. And so on, the two groups the same food and the same number of covered Calories.
The study results showed low LDL cholesterol and high cholesterol useful values ​​of the group that dealt with the values ​​of almonds, in addition to lower cholesterol useful values ​​of the group that dealt with Muffin.
The study also found that eating almonds contributed to the reduction of abdominal fat and waist circumference.
On the other hand, the magazine concerned with health and beauty indicated that almond rich in
protein and dietary fiber, vitamin "E", as well as antioxidants and beneficial fats