Street View cars have cameras mounted on them that capture 360-degree images which let us navigate through their virtual streets for free online or through smartphone apps.
But as well as taking pictures of streets across the world, the Street View cars also capture houses, cars and the faces of passers-by. Personal features like faces, registration plates and house numbers are normally blurred out, but if you’ve spotted yourself or your property on Street View and would rather it was not online, you can ask Google to blur the image by watching the video above and following these simple instructions.
Step 1: Locate the object you want removed
Go to Google Maps and search the location of the object you want removed in the top left box.
Once the location is found, click the Street View image below.
When Street View has loaded, navigate until the object you wish to blur is in view. Then, click the small Send feedback link in the bottom right of your screen.
Step 2: Report the object to Google
A new window will load with a smaller version of Street View and some boxes to fill out.
First, align Street View once again so that what you want removed is inside the red box, zooming if necessary using the scroll on a mouse for PC.
Below, fill out the boxes stating what you would like to blur out – you don’t need to fill out the Report image quality part.
Provide your email address so Google can inform you when the image has been blurred out and tick the reCAPTCHA verification, followed by the blue Submit button.
Then you’ll have to wait for Google to approve your request.