الاثنين، 5 أكتوبر 2015

how to set up Bitdefender on your Windows PC

how to set up Bitdefender on your Windows PC:
  1. Head over to the Bitdefender's Free Edition home page (not to be confused with their premium offering) and download the software. Double-click on the installer to begin the installation process.
  2. Follow the wizard to install the software. If it asks you to remove your existing antivirus software, go ahead and do so—it's generally not advisable to run two antivirus programs at once. Accept the terms and agreements when prompted. All of the other default settings will be fine.
  3. During the installation process, Bitdefender will run an initial scan to make sure your system is clean.
  4. When it's finished scanning and installing, you'll have an option to create a Bitdefender account. Most antivirus programs require you to register (for free) within 30 days to continue using the program, so you might as well do it now. Click the "Create a new account" link, set it up, and log in when you're done.
From now on, you should see a little Bitdefender "B" icon in your system tray—that means Bitdefender is running in the background, monitoring your computer for any viruses that may come your way. Bitdefender doesn't have many options, which makes it incredibly simple: just leave the "Virus Shield" and "Auto Scan" options on and you should be well protected.
