Thank you, Gmail the Almighty, for gifting us the most magical feature of all: a one-click solution for unsubscribing to promotional emails in the form of an "Unsubscribe" button. You'll see it right next to the sender's email address.
Clicking on "unsubscribe" will automatically remove your information from the company's email list. Some mailing lists take up to three days to process unsubscription requests, so know that the change might not happen right away. The feature isn't perfect — the button doesn't show up for some spammers, so you'll have to read the actual message for unsubscribe options or contact the list owner yourself (ugh).
Anyhow, it's a great feature for quickly removing yourself from spam listings, now built right in to Gmail. Some users may have already had the "Unsubscribe" button rolled out to them early, (lucky you) but now the option is available to all!
Of course there are alternative ways of managing spam, like the very helpful Unroll.meservice, which rolls all of your subscriptions into one email. Want more tips for decluttering your inbox? There's great advice right here! Also, get started on our Gmail ninja training program that includes over 20 tips for tackling your email.