الاثنين، 6 أبريل 2015


·         Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and is another gas giant.

·         Saturn has a small rocky core covered with liquid gas.

·         It is surrounded by a system of rings that stretch out into space for thousands of kilometres.

·         The rings are made up of millions of ice crystals, some as big as houses and others as small as specks of dust.

·         Saturn is very light as it is made up of more hydrogen than helium so it is less dense. If we could fit Saturn into a bathtub it would float (but that would have to be one big bathtub!)

·         Like Jupiter, Saturn has many moons which surround it.

·         Saturn is not a peaceful planet.  Storm winds race around the atmosphere at 800kmp/h.

·         Saturn has a very strong magnetic field which traps energy particles resulting in high levels of radiation.
