الاثنين، 6 أبريل 2015


·         The atmosphere of Venus made up mainly of carbon dioxide.

·         Its size is slightly smaller than Earth.

·         It also features gravity similar to that of Earth.

·         Venus is surrounded by clouds consisting of mercury, ferric chloride hydrocarbons and sulphuric acid. These clouds create the most corrosive acid rain found anywhere in our solar system.

·         The clouds are so thick that little light even reaches the surface. The light that does reach the surface is converted to heat and can not escape the atmosphere making Venus the hottest planet at around 500 Degrees Celsius.

·         The surface of Venus is often described as a "stormy desert" full of many craters and very active volcanoes.

·         The surface is also likened to molten lead.

·         Venus features no liquid water.
