الثلاثاء، 31 مارس 2015

Health Benefits of Lettuce

Protects Neuronal Cells: Neurons are brain cells that form physical connections to make up memory. The death of neurons in particular connections or circuits can result in the loss of memory. In some extreme cases, significant neuronal death can result in the onset of diseases like Alzheimer’s. The extracts from lettuce showed considerable control of neuron cell death due to its role in glucose/serum deprivation (GSD). The research has also mentioned that lettuce has the potential to be used in neuro-protection as a common remedy for neurodegenerative diseases.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Lettuce can be beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels that often lead to cardiovascular disease and other dangerous conditions. High cholesterol levels, particularly LDL or bad cholesterol levels, are harmful and can cause heart attacks and strokes. A study was conducted on mice to test the impact of lettuce consumption on fat and cholesterol. The results indicated a significant reduction of cholesterol levels compared to mice that weren’t fed lettuce. Lipid peroxidation was observed in most cases, which was concluded to be responsible for important this form of cholesterol control.

Induces Sleep: One of the major traditional uses of lettuce in Unani medicine was its use as a sleep inducer. Research into the extracts of lettuce resulted in the isolation of a depressant chemical. This chemical, when administered in experimental animals, showed significant sedative effects. Decreased heart rate and ventricular contractions were also observed. This particular chemical acts by blocking the excitatory signal processes of muscular and neural tissues.

Antioxidant Properties: Studies have shown that lettuce possesses antioxidants with significant free radical-scavenging capabilities. Antioxidants are a wide range of bio-chemicals that are mostly found in our diet; they are also very necessary for human health. Antioxidants act as barriers to free radicals, which are produced during cellular metabolism. These free radicals attack healthy tissues, cells and the DNA inside them. They can often cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells. The result is the development of various diseases. Antioxidants on the other hand, counteract these free radicals and neutralize them before the free radical attacks take place.

Antimicrobial Properties: The latex of lettuce possesses antimicrobial properties. Candida albicans and a number of other yeasts were completely deformed upon coming into contact with the latex from lettuce. Biochemicals that are considered to possess these antimicrobial properties are the terpens and cardenolids, as well as enzymes like glucanases.

Controls Anxiety: The neurological properties of lettuce have long been suggested and exploited during ancient times and the Middle Ages in medical treaties such as the Unani system. Detailed research in recent times has led to the conclusion that lettuce possesses anxiolytic properties. When lab animals were given lettuce extracts, their locomotive activity was reduced, suggesting considerable anxiolysis.
