Sip smarter
Drink red wine or purple grape juice during dinner to boost your mental strength. Components in grape skins helps in protecting brain cells from the adverse effects of oxidative stress and beta amyloid.
Go Mediterranean
According to studies which assess and quantify dietary inclusions and lifestyle in different populations stated that people who adhere to Mediterranean style diet can avoid Alzheimer’s, compared to others owing to the rich content of the foodstuffs helping in enhancing brain functions.
Use of spices like Cinnamon, sage, tumeric and cumin.
Use of spices like Cinnamon and turmeric can help break down brain plaque and lowers the risk of brain inflammation, which induce memory issues in the long run. In addition to higher and efficient brain activity and age, one will be able to fight bodily disorders including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and the like with the use of these spices.
Control your blood pressure
Hypertension is one of the prime reasons for increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Lowering hypertension with normalcy in blood pressure is important since the individual also faces the risk of sudden brain damage and arteriosclerosis with regards to consistent stress.
Have strong social support
Depression and loneliness might trigger brain tissue damage causing the disease over the years gradually. Having an active social life and helpful friends around helps individuals to counter the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in later life.